Write it to Right it: The Guided Journal for Serious People with Scattered Brainthoughts


Have you ever found that in times of stress, anxiety, or overwhelm that you can’t find the words to describe how you’re feeling or maybe why you’re feeling that way?

When I feel stressed or scattered, words simply don’t come out. It even feels hard to generate a thought that could make its way into a fully formed sentence.

That’s why I love writing.

When I started therapy for the first time, I was asked to journal or do some thought and feelings tracking worksheets between sessions. I began to notice that even when my thoughts and feelings felt jumbled inside and unable to make it out of my mouth to speak, they showed up on paper with much more ease and flow.

It was satisfying to sit down with my thoughts for even five minutes and have a page of sentences to look back at and make sense of.

It was also cathartic as hell.

I could use a scratchy old pen that I didn’t like and scribble all over the page and be messy and imperfect and upset. Or I could choose a satisfying purple gel pen and meticulously form each word as if I were painting it on the page.

Either way after I wrote, I felt better.

Sometimes only a tiny bit better, but better was better and I was good with that.

Another way that I started to find words for my experience and feelings was through reading the words of others.

When I made a trip to the library, I went straight to the biography section every time. My birthday and Christmas wish lists were always full of the titles I wanted to consume next.

I read books by women in comedy, the film industry, in politics, and bestsellers about adventure and heartbreak. Through their words, I found the words to explain pieces of my experience and slowly arranged them until the last of the puzzle pieces clicked into place.

I found clarity and community and much needed laughter and of course tears. I felt less alone, less isolated, less confused, less helpless, and much more able to put my feet in my shoes in step into my own life.

What’s Inside the Journal, You Ask?

With the Write it to Right it Journal, I’ve combined these pieces that I have found so healing, writing and reading, into one.

Half book, half journal, and whole roadmap back to yourself - or maybe to yourself for the first time.

Each of the eight chapters breaks down a different topic that I’ve found salient in my life, and I’m sure you will too.

We talk, then we reflect.

In the journal we cover what it means to design a sustainable (and realistic) self care routine, how to tackle the imposter monster, building sturdy boundaries and patching them if and when they need repair.

We talk self acceptance, finding your path in life when you feel like there’s no route to go, vulnerability, authenticity, and how to invest in yourself and your dreams - money or not.

We talk big things and microscopic things. You might go in order chapter by chapter or skip straight to the one that is tugging you fiercely toward it.

There are no rules and you are the expert in your journey through this work.

I also include a bonus in the back of the book entitled, “A Peak into My Coping Skills Toolbox,” because I would never leave you hanging. The journey to self discovery is long, exhausting, and totally worth it.

If you’d like a sneak peak before putting this baby in your cart, you can scroll to the footer of this page and get our most popular chapter, The Imposter Monster, sent to your inbox for free to get a feel for what’s inside the journal.

You can also get a sneak peak of Chapter 4 in this video read aloud!

When you’re ready to take this journey back to yourself, head to our shop and grab the journal in paperback or PDF, whichever jives with you.

Want to share the Write it to Right it Journal with the world?

Follow us on Instagram and share some of our content that speaks most to you. As you’re working through the journal, you can post a picture of the page you’re working on and tag @missmagnoliasays and use the hashtag #WriteittoRightit to help others find the journal.

You can also fill out a review on Amazon to share your feedback and help the journal reach more people!

For bonus points, head to your local library’s website and request that they carry the Write it to Right it journal so that others can snag it of the shelf and find some healing too!

Yours in writing for clarity,

Emily Rose // Miss Magnolia

Note: “Write it to Right it” is a registered trademark of Miss Magnolia Says LLC